On our bicycle ride to town my dog and I have crossed paths several times with an older female jogger. What a tough ol' gal! An ideal observer would let someone like her inspire them, and then write a nice little sermon about her. But I needed a little more. About 50 yards behind her, ran her even frailer old dawg. There is something about him that produced a lump in my throat. What was he thinking about? He looked so frustrated and disappointed, now that he can no longer keep up with his human -- and she is pretty frail herself. Was he thinking about a few years ago, when he was a still spry 10 year old dog, and she was a 70 year old "girl", and they were knocking off the trails one after another? What kind of life had they had together? And now it was winding down. Perhaps the reader has seen that wonderful new movie directed by Lasse Hallstrƶm, "A Dog's Purpose." In the movie, a dog lives with his humans for awhile, ages or dies, and is reinca...
Early retirement, mainstream-media-free, bicycling, classic books & history, RV camping, and dogs.