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Complaining About Torture is Anti-American

I haven't read everything that there is to read about the Torture Report, the big news story of the day. So at the risk of making a mistake, based on pure laziness, I would still like to point out what isn't being said: everybody is ignoring the fact that the American CIA didn't practice beheading.

Beheading is shocking and barbaric. Only medieval Muslims would practice that. America is the sort of country that aims at higher ideals. We are a civilized and Christian nation. We restrict ourselves to torture.


Alan Oak saidā€¦
Oh, no, we don't restrict ourselves to torture. We also conduct extrajudicial drone strikes against "targets." Beheadings are so up close, overly personal, and messy.
kaBLOOnie Boonster saidā€¦
But of course our drone strikes are 99.999% accurate because they use the most advanced military technology in the world.
John V saidā€¦
No CIA beheadings? Well at least we got that going for us!
kaBLOOnie Boonster saidā€¦
But the negative thinkers won't even give America credit for that!
Fit Forlife saidā€¦
Oh this is such a yawn....history has shown man to be violent in many ways and whether they were justified or not (and justification usually goes to the winner of the battle rather than logic or reasoning). Whether it's a beheading, a suicide bomber or a strategically well placed drone, the beat goes on and history repeats itself.
Having not read the report myself due to lack of interest for the obvious (you gotta do what you gotta do) I wonder if it mentions that many of the so called tortures like water boarding on given to our own soldiers as part of their training regimen? G
kaBLOOnie Boonster saidā€¦
edlfrey, Do the mainstream media even report drone strikes anymore? Does it just say that "eight suspected terrorists" were killed?

Has anyone ever asked, "What is the probability that the victims of the drone strike WERE in fact terrorists?" Or "how do you define terrorist?"

If I read you correctly, you are saying that none of those questions matter because the guy in the White House is a Democrat.
John V saidā€¦
Torture is just the latest distraction to keep us from noticing the crushing structural problems in our financial system. Last week it was racism in America. Next week it will be...?
John V saidā€¦
President Obama has a Nobel Peace Prize to prove his superiority. Seriously though, Obama is simply Bush 2.0. A President Hillary Clinton would be a Bush 3.0

Same shit, different day.
XXXXX saidā€¦
Yep. That be the truth.
ccb saidā€¦
Tax the rich. Feed the poor.