From a BBC article today we have,
I don't follow the news very closely. There's a tendency to get angry, and anger gets wearisome. And yet, this Ukrainian debacle is perversely fascinating in the sense that it has resulted in theoretical maximums. How complacent can the Media be? How hypocritical can the Washington DC regime be? How poodle-like can Europe be?
It demonstrates to perfection how nothing of importance will ever be discussed in the establishment Media. Does anyone ever say, "Isn't the Cold War over? Washington and Russia aren't enemies." Why is NATO trying to encircle Russia with tighter and tighter circles? Why does NATO even exist, since the USSR and the Warsaw Pact died over 20 years ago?
The more I learned of Vlad Putin, the less I would probably like. He is a politician who used to be in the KGB. What's there to like? And yet there is something gratifying about seeing him out-fox and defy the Washington/Wall Street/London/Brussels regime. I guess this is just an example of seeing the enemy of your enemy as your friend. That's hardly an attitude to be proud of, but that's the situation right now.
After writing the above I realized that I didn't provide a constructive alternative to sitting in front of the toob and passively absorbing the Media's and Washington's lies. Very well, consider,, or
"The constitution of Ukraine requires that any effort by any entity within Ukraine to secede be done through the constitutional process," Mr Kerry said.Aren't you proud and happy to live under a Washington DC regime/Imperium that understands the constraints of constitutions? (emoticon eyes rolling upwards) And knows everything about how to handle secessions sensibly?
I don't follow the news very closely. There's a tendency to get angry, and anger gets wearisome. And yet, this Ukrainian debacle is perversely fascinating in the sense that it has resulted in theoretical maximums. How complacent can the Media be? How hypocritical can the Washington DC regime be? How poodle-like can Europe be?
It demonstrates to perfection how nothing of importance will ever be discussed in the establishment Media. Does anyone ever say, "Isn't the Cold War over? Washington and Russia aren't enemies." Why is NATO trying to encircle Russia with tighter and tighter circles? Why does NATO even exist, since the USSR and the Warsaw Pact died over 20 years ago?
The more I learned of Vlad Putin, the less I would probably like. He is a politician who used to be in the KGB. What's there to like? And yet there is something gratifying about seeing him out-fox and defy the Washington/Wall Street/London/Brussels regime. I guess this is just an example of seeing the enemy of your enemy as your friend. That's hardly an attitude to be proud of, but that's the situation right now.
After writing the above I realized that I didn't provide a constructive alternative to sitting in front of the toob and passively absorbing the Media's and Washington's lies. Very well, consider,, or
Do we really think Putin will roll over and say "Sorry gee, you know what you're right."?
Do we really think that the Europeans, who by the way Russia has by the balls (via control over the flow of natural gas), would see it in their best interests to follow the US and antagonize the hand that feeds them?
Do we really think that China will back us up on this one?
Americans should not go abroad to slay dragons they do not understand in the name of spreading democracy. - John Quincy Adams
I was first familiar with him through the Teaching Company's lectures, given by him, on Great Books, Early Greeks, early Romans, etc. which I can get from the library. These youtube lectures are through the U. of Oklahoma. I obviously have a great deal of respect for the man. His values come through as he lectures though I don't necessarily agree with all his conclusions, as I'm sure you will not as well. One only agrees with everything someone else says if they are a puppet. That would be contrary to his teachings as well. Reaching agreement is not important; what is important is asking questions and thinking through things for oneself clearly and thoroughly.
Anyway, the title of the youtube lectures is the History of Freedom.