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You'd think that the caterpillar I showed a couple days ago would turn into a moth like this instead of a boring moth. If there's any justice in the world today's polyphemus moth started off as a plain ugly caterpillar.

This photo (click to enlarge) was taken by my nature consultant in the American Midwest who saw the moth out by the mailbox at the street, walked back to the house to get a camera, and returned to the mailbox to find the moth still there. Then the nature consultant tickled the moth with a blade of grass, he/she claimed, to open its wings.


Bob Giddings said…
Amazing critters, aren't they? Not sure how big that one is, but it looks pretty large.

Here's one I found in my back yard. You've got to catch them in the morning when they are wet or they won't sit still for pictures. Floppety, floppety floppety. You wouldn't think such an erratic flight pattern could cover thousands of miles. BTW, that board is 5 1/2 inches.

Sorry Bob, I forgot to mention that the polyphemus moth in the photo had a 5" wingspan, like you say.
midwest nature consultant said…
This is the Midwest nature consultant writing to confirm this is all true....including the tickling of the wings with a blade of grass. I hope to catch more interesting bug shots in the future. I prefer flower pictures but I know Boonie sometimes lacks respect for this eye candy! Thanks for posting my moth.