No. If she worked for Goldman she wouldn't need males of her own species for anything important. There would be a fancy pickup truck from the state Fish and Wildlife department parked nearby, feeding her with all the bird snacks she wanted.
Anonymous said…
Boonie, You are turning into quite the bird photographer. This one is beautiful. -scamp
Scamp, I'll never be a real bird photographer. I'd need a tripod and one of those bazooka-like camera lenses. I couldn't tolerate impedimenta that dominates the experience.
you may not be a bird photographer but this is a mighty nice shot...
Anonymous said…
You said: If she worked for Goldman she wouldn't need males of her own species for anything important.
Have you ever stopped to think about how the emergence of the majority of women into the job market has effected our unemployment rate? In addition to that, we have tons of machines now which makes 1 job out of what previously were several jobs and this has to have an effect as well. Yet, it does say something when women would rather go out and work for themselves rather than be dependent on a man to provide for them. Touchy ground, for sure. You seem to have mocked both sides.....that his job is all she wants from him as well as irritation that because she has a great job, she doesn't "need" him anymore. Pandora's box.
Thought you'd like that.
I'll never be a real bird photographer. I'd need a tripod and one of those bazooka-like camera lenses. I couldn't tolerate impedimenta that dominates the experience.
If she worked for Goldman she wouldn't need males of her own species for anything important.
Have you ever stopped to think about how the emergence of the majority of women into the job market has effected our unemployment rate? In addition to that, we have tons of machines now which makes 1 job out of what previously were several jobs and this has to have an effect as well.
Yet, it does say something when women would rather go out and work for themselves rather than be dependent on a man to provide for them. Touchy ground, for sure. You seem to have mocked both sides.....that his job is all she wants from him as well as irritation that because she has a great job, she doesn't "need" him anymore.
Pandora's box.