Yesterday was the most perfect day in a long time. Oddly, it took very little to make it so good. All it took was the old trick of going for a bike ride with my little dog, early in the morning, and on the right terrain, the right road, and away from motorsports noise and the misinformation of the RV blogosphere and tourism industry. Better yet, I was away from the desert. Snowbirds rhapsodize over the "beauty" of the desert, but do they really mean beauty in a positive sense? Or do they really just mean that they are away from clouds, snow, sleet, thawing snow, mud, and half-frozen slop? But they are connecting with "nature," you say. Nature should mean more than rubble and cholla, and postcards of saguaro cacti in front of a red sunset, and the like. We are animals who need food and water. There should be some goodies of that type in a "beautiful, natural" environment. Some balance. Here, away from the ...
Occupation of Independence
Early retirement, mainstream-media-free, bicycling, classic books & history, RV camping, and dogs.